Local 180 Musicians' Association of Ottawa- Gatineau, including Huntsville and Sudbury

We defend and promote the economic, social, and professional interests of our members.

Allistair Elliott


American Federation of Musicians

of the United States and Canada

AFM International President Tino Gagliardi

AFM Appoints New Vice President from Canada 

The International Executive Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Allistair Elliott to the position of AFM Vice President from Canada to complete the unexpired term of his predecessor, Alan Willaert, who passed away unexpectedly in April. For activities within Canada and its Territories, the Vice President from Canada is known as the Vice President from Canada, and Director, Canadian Affairs.

In his most recent position, Elliott has served as the AFM International Representative (IR) from Canada. As an IR for ten years, Elliott is familiar with all Canadian locals, has assisted all new officers in learning to navigate AFM/CFM protocols and practices, has represented the CFM and musicians at conferences and panels, and has represented the CFM in lobbying the Canadian government in various matters, most predominantly regarding the ease of musicians traveling on airlines with their instruments.

“Allistair is a highly respected figure in the Canadian music scene and a strong advocate for our members. His extensive experience and deep understanding of the issues facing Canadian musicians will lead us forward,” says AFM International President Tino Gagliardi. “I am confident that Allistair will provide strong leadership and representation for our Canadian members.”

Please join us in welcoming Allistair Elliott to his new role. We look forward to his contributions as director of Canadian affairs, as we continue to fight for fair contracts, strong intellectual property protections, and a thriving music industry for all musicians.

L’AFM nomme un nouveau vice-président pour le Canada 

Le Conseil exécutif international a le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination d’Allistair Elliott au poste de vice-président de l’AFM pour le Canada; il terminera le mandat inachevé de son prédécesseur, Alan Willaert, qui est décédé de manière imprévue en avril. Pour les activités au sein du Canada et de ses territoires, le vice-président pour le Canada porte le titre de vice-président pour le Canada et directeur, Affaires canadiennes.

Dans son poste le plus récent, Elliott a été représentant international de l’AFM pour le Canada. Comptant 10 ans d’expérience dans cette fonction, Elliott connaît bien toutes les sections locales canadiennes, a aidé tous les nouveaux dirigeants des sections à se familiariser avec les protocoles et les pratiques de l’AFM/FCM et représenté la FCM et les musiciens lors de conférences et de tables rondes. Il a également exercé des pressions auprès du gouvernement canadien au nom de la FCM dans divers dossiers, principalement la facilitation des voyages en avion pour les musiciens qui doivent transporter leurs instruments.

« Allistair est une figure très respectée dans le milieu musical canadien et un ardent défenseur de nos membres. Sa vaste expérience et sa profonde compréhension des enjeux auxquels sont confrontés les musiciens canadiens nous permettront de progresser » affirme le président international de l’AFM Tino Gagliardi. « Je suis confiant qu’Allistair exercera un grand leadership et assurera une représentation forte pour nos membres canadiens. »

Veuillez vous joindre à nous pour souhaiter la bienvenue à Allistair Elliott dans son nouveau rôle. Nous nous réjouissons d’avance de ses contributions à titre de directeur des Affaires canadiennes tandis que nous continuons de lutter en faveur de contrats équitables, de fortes protections de la propriété intellectuelle et d’une industrie musicale prospère. 





To pay your dues by eTransfer, use this email address: dues@ma180.org

If you wish to pay by credit card, phone 613-567-0560

If you wish to pay by cheque, please allow enough time for mail delivery.


Robin, Dan and Marlene are happy to take your calls and answer your emails. How may they help you?

Robin Moir

Robin Moir



Dan Blackwell

Dan Blackwell

Administration Officer


Marlene Morton

Marlene Morton

Administration Officer


Artisti ready to step-up for MROC performers as their society considers winding-down

MROC announced that on May 7th, 2024, it will hold an Annual General and Special meeting where its members will consider and vote on a proposal to wind down their society. In the course of this wind-down, MROC is arranging for the transfer to ARTISTI of all active MROC mandates as of December 31, 2024.

The likelihood of MROC ceasing its activities is sad news for those involved in Canadian collective management of performers’ rights. Conscious of how unsettling this news is for MROC’s performers, Artisti and MROC are committed to ensuring that the transfer of their mandates is seamless and that their rights and royalties are preserved. 

Why Artisti?

One of the main reasons MROC has chosen Artisti for the transfer, is because both societies share the same IT system model and IT provider. This will allow both organisations to work on a bulk transfer of repertoire, payment data, and performer information with minimal intervention on the part of the performers or their representative.

What are the next steps?

  • Artisti will hold an information session:
    •  in English on Thursday, May 2nd between 12 and 1 pm and
    • in French on Friday, May 3rd between 12 and 1 pm

for all performers interested to know more about this transition. Please send your name to mnarcis@artisti.ca if you would like to register for one of these sessions.


  • On May 7th, MROC will hold its Annual General and Special meeting.


  • After the wind-down is confirmed by MROC’s members, both MROC and Artisti will communicate to all performers affected by the wind-down, to inform them of the next steps leading to the transfer of their mandate.


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The mission of the Musicians’ Association of Ottawa-Gatineau, Local 180, AFM is to defend and promote the economic, social, and professional interests of its members who are free-lance musicians, as well as musicians who are working under a collective bargaining agreement.



Membership in the Musicians Association of Ottawa-Gatineau confirms your status as a professional musician. When you become a member, you join not only this Local but 250,000 professional musicians around the world.


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About PAL Ottawa

We reward the artists who delight us with our applause, and often assume that success in the arts brings financial security. But very few members of the arts community arrive at the end of their career with an adequate pension and other resources. That’s why we created PAL Ottawa: to provide affordable housing and a support system to arts workers in need. Learn more…